Doomsday - Chapter 4

Day 613, 08:32 Published in Philippines Philippines by purge0809


This is a semi-fictional story. The contents of this article may or may not be true. This applies to the characters’ RL and eL capabilities/characteristics/etc, though this story’s characters were based on some of the character’s observed characteristics.


Chapter 4:

“Welcome, purge”, the voice of the speaker was cold, somehow mysterious, yet friendly. “We meet again. I mean we meet every day in school but... Oh... Never mind...”

“Topy XYZ? Tops...” Purge bombarded him with questions. “What’re you doing here? And why is EZEX all tied up? And why is he being fed by a beautiful secretary?”

“What?” Topy turned his head to see what was happening. “Wow. Honestly, I’ve no idea...”

“Ms. Secretary, please stop that.” Rich Porter intervened. “That is not your job. And you make us jealous. That’s going on your paycheck!”

And the secretary ran.

“Ok, back to the topic, please... Why am I here? With these two... uhmmm... How do I put it? Oh, right... People?”, Purge asked of the CO.

“Topy”, Rich Porter requested, in an accent that made the point that the statement was actually a command. “If you would be so kind to loosen up the ropes that tie EZEX up...”

“It’d be my pleasure...”

Topy sighed, then, with one hand, loosened the ropes.

“Follow me”, said the CO.

“Aye-yay, sir!”, the Gundam pilot responded.

Deeper inside was a long hall, which had its end on the other side. It led no other way than that. As they walked through it, lights lit progressively, as if the controlled electricity itself. EZEX and Purge looked like they were totally amazed, but Rich and Topy was oblivious. It was like they experienced something like this everyday that it became so plain. And boring.

At the end was an office like no other. It was executive-looking, very professional, looking, plus a modern upgrade. It had a computer with a holographic monitor and was very fast. The keyboard was also holographic. The second, like the first, was connected with the executive table. The computer was just a monitor, though it was a touch-screen. In shorter terms, the whole table was the computer itself.

And on the office, the two “Defense Giants” stood.

And with proud, Rich Porter declared.

“Gentlemen, I would like you to meet, General Saladin23, Head of the Defense Department, and Director-General Divinitywolf, Head of NICA."

Editor-in-Chief, The Herald’s Guitar


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Hear the sound of truth!
The Herald’s Guitar (end song in chord E, then do a Minor Pentatonic Scaling if rolling is prolonged)