Donutdude For Florida!

Day 397, 10:19 Published in USA USA by Donutdude

Answers from the Libertarian questionnaire:

1. Hot Topic: As you know, we're mirroring irl USA right now. Many citizens, including the USWP are opposed to the war against France. What are you general opinions on the war- for or against? What do you think was our reasoning for getting involved? Do you blame President Dover or General Shafer for poor planning in that war?

I am slightly for the war because of the economic benefits that It gives to our country. The war Increases demand for Weapons and Gifts, which in turn helps our Small Businesses.(although this is the cause of our current inflation crisis, I believe it will deflate once the war is over.) Another added bonus of the war is you get experience points and up to 50 wellness basically for free, if you fight and then use the Hospitals in your region.

People will say that the reason we got involved was because the French invaded a peaceful country(the Swiss) and with them being our ally we are supposed to defend them against the French. This is not true, the reason we got into this war was because Benn Dover had been promising a war for some time and people were getting anxious for one. He just used the French attack as an excuse. I kind of see this war as a training exercise for eUSA. So far it has showed us that we need to redo most of the Military system.

I’m not going to point fingers for who’s fault it is that this war has gone sour. Honestly you could blame anyone. But I am more of a forward thinker. Hopefully what we will get out of this war is a better understanding of our Military system and gather some ideas on how we can fix it.

2. Economic: There's a lot of talk on the forums about economic issues. How would you gauge our current economic situation, and how would you propose that we improve it?

Like I said before once this war is over I believe our currency will deflate. I am a strong advocate for NO MINIMUM WAGE. Yep that is right I want absolutely no minimum wage. All that the Minimum wage does is inflates our currency and makes it harder for us to compete against other countries. If elected I will give a more detailed explanation of my ideas on this on the forum and I will propose a law to the Congress regarding it.

3. General Policy: Give a brief summery of your beliefs, whether they all coincide with the overall Libertarian ideals or not.

My Ideas generally coincide with the Overal Libertarian mentality/ideals. If elected I will implement most of the Libertarian views on how I vote in Congress.

4. General Qualifications: Are you currently signed up on the US forums, and can you devote about an hour a day to policy discussion? Do you use the US IRC channel?

Yes I am currently Signed up on the Us Forums, and I am able to devote about an hour a day to policy discussion. And yes I do use the US IRC channel very frequently.

As Congressman from Florida I will try to get Florida a Q5 Defense system, seeing that it is a coast state and one of the most important states at that. Any Questions, PM me?