Donation: Signal of friendship and support for eIsrael

Day 464, 09:52 Published in Czech Republic Egypt by Franz Kafka

eIsrael has its first Congress since regaining independence. eCzechs have always been friends eIsrael and it's cause for national self-determination.

We are a poor nation, but I would like for us to send a symbolic donation to show our support for this nation.

I propose we agree to donate 5 gold to eIsrael. (see vote here:

It is not possible to donate directly one country to another. So we have agreed to donate via this organisation: Libertas Foundation - which will then be forwarded to eIsrael.

Congressman Franz Kafka, Nezavislost
Congressman Radim, Czech Right Union

UPDATE: The donate function only allows minimum 10 gold. So I've set the proposal for 10 and will immediately donate back 5 gold. FK

UPDATE 2: If you are inclined to vote against this - it would be helpful to hear your reasons. FK