Donate to the eNHS by Commenting!

Day 1,987, 11:05 Published in United Kingdom Norway by Major Lee Hung

Comment with 'NHS!' or something about the eNHS and I'll donate on your behalf!


The eNHS is in desperate need of food. It provides 500 energy worth of food daily, to a membership count of 180+ members. It's designed to help eUK players under level 30 get the help and support they need.

Every donation to the eNHS is a step forward towards helping our young citizens, who otherwise would be limited to solely what they produce every day, meaning they can't fight alongside the rest of us.

The scheme is privately funded, and relies solely on the donations of the citizens of eRepublik.

Donate by Commenting

For every comment saying 'NHS' or something similar(by a unique player!) on this article, I'll donate 250 energy worth of food to the eNHS.

My aim? 300 comments. This would provide a sizable donation to the eNHS. Exceeding this goal would create a huge amount of support for the babies of the eUK.

Join In

Want to add to my donations? If you too want to donate food based on the number of comments, I'll add you to this article and include your donations in the sum at the bottom. You'll be doing a great thing for the eUK, and every little helps our babies!

I encourage you all to donate to the eNHS - both by commenting here and by sending donations directly.

Additional Donators

Emergy Maxfell - 250 per comment. Thank you Emergy! 😃
Sam010 - 250 per comment. Thanks Sam! 🙂
BaskB - 100 per comment. Thank you kind sir!
john GB - 50 per comment. Much appreciated 😃
Dan/naD Wilshire - Matching final figure, thank you! 😃


Current Energy Donation per Comment: 900
Current Energy Donations: 72,000
Last updated 18:14 BST

Thank you for your support!
Joshua Whelan