Don't Give Up eIsrael

Day 725, 12:57 Published in Israel Israel by Seeroy

Who knows what is going on in JMatH's head (or on his computer), but everyone please remember this is a game. We'll sort things out, look again at impeachment, and continue rebuilding this great nation.

Don't lose hope. Don't give up. This isn't the end of the (New) world. Whether the treasury is returned or not, we did not have much saved to begin with. We can build back up, put responsible people in charge of things, and move forward. None of what has happened destroys the groundwork that has been laid over the last month (and earlier) - the creation of an actual Knesset structure, the Israeli Aid For Immigrants Program, the beginning of budget tracking, the return of our government companies.

Let us use this as a reason to unite. Let us move forward with purpose and determination like never before. And let us remind the eWorld that are a scrappy eNation that will never give up!