Domination over the Pagans

Day 706, 14:53 Published in USA USA by Maxim Spart

Greetings fellow citizens,
It is I, your dear friend that returns to you yet again. The Friend of the People has been so pleased with the current administration this past week. Our President has been on his game and has pushed his people on to victory. What an amazing week of domination over the evil minions of Eastern Europe. It brings me great pleasure to see our dear friends the Canadians back in rightful ownership of their territory that they were so rudely dispossessed of. My new following of readers has added to the battle and America should be proud of the young members of our nation fighting so bravely for our victories. Josh Frost and Seal Team 6 continues to lead the way in outstanding fashion. Our armed forces with their last 15 minutes to slaughter have given us a new boost of Nationalistic fever!!! The bravery and dedication shown by our citizens is something to be truly proud of.
The moment is now citizens. I see two great options in front of us.
1. Push the advantage and attack Alaska and beyond.
2. Build a wall...literally...a wall. Stretch it with hospitals and defense systems around our entire country to make future invasions much more difficult.
Now your friend is in favor of the second as it will secure our country and allow us to continue to grow in a higher level of safety. I encourage our leadership to take up this task and use the money otherwise spent on guns, on our new "Friend of the People Wall".
The lessons of the Cold War ring true now, those who spend their countries resources solely on Guns will fail (aka USSR) while those that split their resources on Guns and Butter (Luxuries) manage far better (USA). Make our luxuries be hospitals, defense systems (even though it's military) and houses. Spent the money to strengthen our citizens and guns will be more readily available in the future.
So let the debate begin. Our nation has many choices to make and I trust our leadership to make the appropriate decisions. Your friend is here to continue to lend the guidance so needed in our nation at these critical decision making moments. May posterity judge our actions favorably and know we did what we could, when we could, and the best we could.