Domestics and Diakuns

Day 1,412, 07:31 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by temujin94

This is my domestics manifesto for Prime Minister if you would like to see my previous PM articles then follow the link

TL😉R Summary:
MoRecruitment absorbed into MoHA
Transition of the new ‘gaming’ forum
Cash incentives for ministry workers
MoW will continue to work the same as always
A Call To Arms scheme

Home Affairs:

The Ministry of Recruitment will be working within the MoHA, so it has more workers and therefore manpower to work efficiently.

The main concern of the ministry this month will be be preparing for the new ‘gaming’ section of the forum to try and entice more people to come and play Erepublik. The re-branding of the forums as a gaming site, will require a plan to convert this to eRep players, and support said players and get them interested.

The Use of Twitter - The MoHA will be tasked with maintaining a twitter account this month, the traget is to get around 1000 followers to a non-eRep aligned account called "UK gaming news". It will basically tweet info on games and news on updates/patches etc.!/GamingNewsUK - The account will start in earnest (meaning we’ll be assiging a set number of “followers” to reach each day and hopefully have the stated amount by the end of the month) as soon as we have the support structure in place and is currently linked to the "video games" sub-forum although that would be updated, if the forums change. It would serve as a portal to the forums, and from there, to eRepublik.

Paying of staff - As a current minister I can see the real lack of ministry workers in the country. If we offer them so actual monetary incentives to work then we will get more players which equals more work. The current strategy would to be employ around 20-30 people at around 300-500 GBP per person for completing a full term of work (This will be confirmed by the minister). There then will be a bonus for the best worker in the ministry (Will again be decided by the minister) of around 1000GBP. This will leave total costs somewhere in the region of 12,000GBP which isn’t a great dent in the budget as it covers all the ministries.

Objects in the picture are more exciting than they appear

Education- I am keen to re-introduce mentoring this month as I think in a ever-changing eWorld we need to keep them informed and in the loop. We are looking at ways to change they system such as allowing the mentor to donate items from the MoHA schemes for reaching certain achievements rather than having the MoHA do it, this way we can tailor to the individual.

The library guides are a great asset here. The MoHA has added five more guides this month. These guides provide an input that is crucial to both older and newer players, but must be backed up with regular messaging, lest they are not read by those that need to read them.

UK Today- This is a great way of keeping everyone informed to what is happening in the eUK, I think a more set structure of a article every 2 days will make it more worthwhile reading and a NNA article at the end of the week to brighten things up for the population.


Seems Legit

As you are probably aware this month tax has went up in the eUK. This level must be maintained as we have been at war with 2-3 countries all month which makes our war budget much more expensive and it is the only way to fund these increases in expenditure along with new military reform which allows for more supplies. The ministry will continue to run it’s current schemes and we will also look at adding additional schemes should we see a good opportunity to do so.

Emergy has done great this month with, A Call to Arms. About 1500 of these were used to supply for London, and he’s replaced them to continue the scheme! I think it would be fantastic if this scheme could become permanent, but also it would be unfair to rely on Emergy, so this would be a good use of the MoHA’s budget, to buy tanks (preferably from foreign markets so as not to deplete our supply) and continue on.

Equally, I think now is a good time to begin government gifting of food again. With the number of fights available in a day, we can help newer players to rank up much quicker by giving them food. The exact number would depend on the budget but I think it would be great to give them enough for 60 food fights

My Military and Foreign Affairs manifesto will be due out next with my plans outlined in detail.

CP Candidate