Domestic Abuse

Day 1,147, 12:35 Published in USA USA by CaptJustice
We see what you're doing there Canada.
And frankly, we are hurt. Betrayed even. Because after all we've put up with from you, we expected at least a little respect in return.

Every day, we toil hard, we go out conquering the world. Do you think occupying Mexico is easy? Well, it is. But none the less it is something we have to do. And while we're out conquering all day, you're sitting at home toasty warm by the fire. And when we come home, we just want a nice warm PANAM waiting for us.....


You've grown cold Canada. Absence is supposed to make the heart grow fonder, but it seems that without Delaware to remind you, you've forgotten what we could be together.

But wait.... what does this mean? This declaration of war? Does it mean the end of our time together? Does it mean a violent climax of the pleasure we've shared for these long years?
Or is it the last hope. Is it the spark of a new era in our brotherhood.

Oh Canada you sly dog you... this is foreplay

You want us. You want us inside you hard, I get it. You want us all up on your Ontario, occupying your Quebec while we maintain initiative on your Ottowa. I get it... spice things up a bit.

This might be the best idea you've ever had. Come on Canada, we want you too. The flame isn't out yet. Let us show you the passion we have for you, let us experience the ultimate pleasure as we become one!

Fasten your seat belts ladies and gentlemen, its going to be a bumpy ride.
