DoD Special Series; American Fighting Forces: Air Force Edition

Day 1,546, 11:13 Published in USA USA by USA Department of Defense

Hello America! Today will be the third installment in the American Fighting Forces Series which also contains a very important announcement. This article will focus on the branch formerly known as the Army. This is the main fighting force of the government’s official military, the United States Armed Forces. This isn’t to be confused with the eUS Military’s Army branch which will be covered later along with the rest of the branches of the eUS Military.

For an explanation of what this series is all about please see the introduction article.
Also, make sure you check out the first and second articles in the series which were about Boot Camp and the
OMS Militias.

First things first, the announcement. We here at the Department of Defense are proud to announce that the branch known as Army has been renamed. Without further delay, I present to you, the new logo and name of the branch formerly known as Army:

Fighter jets are awesome.

Now, to get to what you’ve all been waiting for, the dirty details of this newly renamed and reorganized branch;

What are the requirements for joining the Air Force?
We only require that our applicants have graduated Boot Camp.

About how many members does the Air Force have?
We have between 100 and 150 members.

What’s the story with communing?
Communing is a big part of the Air Force’s operations and is required of all members receiving supplies.

How long has the branch been in existence?
We’ve been around for about 8 months, along with the rest of the USAF.

What supplies can the typical soldier expect to receive?
Supplies vary on a soldier’s damage levels, and you can request anything from 120 food or 10 tanks in the Fighter Wing, all the way up to 220 food or 18 tanks in Delta Force.

What is Delta Force?
Delta Force is the Air Force's strongest section, it is where many of our biggest hitters can be found.

Does Delta Force have any special requirements?
In order to be a member of Delta Force you need a 1500 Q5 hit.

Editor's Note: If you aren’t sure what your influence is you can check here.

Who are Commanding and Executive officers of the group?
General Hekter
Lt. General eShades

Where can interested applicants go for more information?
USAF recruitment officers can be found in #bootcamp on IRC or Hekter can be contacted directly via in-game PM.

What makes the Air Force special/different/better than the others?
We're more laid back than the rest of the USAF, we focus more on damage and building you up as a player. There are lots of opportunities to move up through the ranks if you are active and willing to stick around! We try to let you excel at your own pace. Also, we have jets. Come on.

What is your recruiting link?

Day 1532, Old Executive Office Building

Secretary of State

National Security Council Director
Ralph Ericson

Secretary of Defense