DoD Orders [Update: 3125, 07:15]

Day 3,123, 11:15 Published in Australia Australia by Australian Defence Department


Just wanted to say that I'm looking forward to returning to normal. I suppose the resource wars were interesting for some. Me, I just like to blow crap up. Sometimes I blew up too much. Oops.

Anyhoo, I'll be your MoD this month. I wish CP Gueneo a fantastic term. He's got a meticulous mind. We should have no trouble adjusting to upcoming changes in how we play. We are expecting to develop relationship with our new friends from Ireland and rekindle those with old friends. Nebula will continue to be discussed as we have friends there but seek a more active alliance. Never fear! Things will sort themselves out.

Please welcome as my Deputy. Time for some fresh faces. MoFA Rusty will also lend a hand if needed. We will endeavor to keep you informed of where we'd like your rifle pointed.

> Fight for Irelan😛

Ireland must win to continue the Training War!

CP Gueneo
MoFA Rusty D
MoD Thedillpickl