DoD Orders June 5 (Day 928 updated 15:36hrs) Defend Andhra Pradesh

Day 925, 23:04 Published in USA USA by USA Department of Defense

My Fellow Americans,

Fight For the Defenders in Andhra Pradesh

Use this battle to rank up and gain experience--presidential election days are generally slow but if anything changes this paper will be updated.


Yesterday eUSA mobile forces deployed to help our pals in India and secured a victory in the North West Frontier Province region. US forces were the #1 damage dealer for the Allied side. If you want to join the hardcore legions of the eUSA military follow the link in the section below.

Join the eUSA Military!

We're looking for a few gamers. If you think you have the right stuff then sign up. But if you can't keep up don't step up. The Training Corp is the gateway to the National Guard, Mobile Infantry, Army, Airborne and Marines. Want more info? Apply below:

US Tank fund
Have some spare gold you would like to send to the war effort? Send it to the United States Tank Fund and 100% of your cold cash will become hot damage on the battlefield. Donate here today!

Need the latest information?
Try the US Citizen Orders broadcast , and get the latest battle orders on the homepage: Info here

Bring Your Friends
Our enemies are numerous but they also have the advantage of ranking up. Hungary had its babyboom long before ours. The game is linear. The longer you play, the stronger you become. The only counters to this are lots of gold and population. For the eUSA to become a true global superpower, then we must recruit a new generation of eUSA player.

The eUS government and eUS Military are proposing the Friendly Firepower Program. We are asking each active citizen to recruit one friend. Teach them to play the game. Help them. Mentor them. Direct them to the forums. Get them on to IRC. Get them involved and invested in our goal of making the eUSA the strongest and most prosperous nation in eRepublik.

We aren't asking you to shoot for a society builder medal. We're asking you for one friend.

Thank you,

Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff

Vice Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff