DoD Orders Day 1095

Day 1,095, 07:03 Published in Ireland Ireland by Irish Department of Defence

Orders updated on a constant basis be sure to check the time, last updated 18.45 GMT

Soldiers of the IDF,

Congratulations on winning Wales! What originally was inteded as ‘training’ turned out to be a shot at some tactical excellence. Coordination last night was superb and I’ve got to say, it was pretty exciting to run it along with our allies and some valiant NF / IDF members. Fab job guys and girls, fab! Not only have we managed to claim Wales, we’ve also managed to rattle the cage of that old and trollish Dog. Now that I mention it, can a Brit come pick him up? We’d love to keep him but he’s been harassing our other little dogs and frankly, we’re fed up with cleaning up the drool.

Now while we were off enjoying some of the landscapes Wales has (really, what else is there to do… 😉 ?), our friendly neighbours decided they’d attack us in the meanwhile. However, we’ve other plans for them, so for the moment, fine Irish soldiers and allies, focus on the battle below. Orders MAY be updated and changed over the course, so check regularly and don’t forget to vote up the DoD articles!

--These are orders for Na Fianna and the Irish Defence Forces--

UPDATE: Irish, hold fights until at least 10 PM GMT, if possible. If not possible, fight!

Click the above button to be taken to the battle!

Na Fianna, don’t forget to report to #IDFSupply if you are in need of some supplies.

If you are reading this and are not a member of the IDF and would like to be...please click below


Nithraldur – Minister of Defence
