Day 2,823, 23:49 Published in Japan Czech Republic by El Fap Padre

Dear friends, foes and those who call me with bad names.

Concept of democracy is by my humble opinion just a dream in RL and here on this game. But that dream can be accomplished with efforts from both sides in our community. Idea is simple and Shirosakura made a foundation of it with small amendment on base of it.

Article 1. The State of eJapan is a democratic society led by its people. All power in the State belongs to the people.
Honestly, this sounds too much murican for me. If people LEAD our country we shall be soon in deep ****! Or let me say something about my opponent on CP elections.
Masaharu made more damage to our community than Hitler to Germany. Why you may ask? When he was MoFa of Japan HE was trippin' that we are world force No.1 and used his position to offend Taiwan & Russian leaders. WE blushed so many times because his acts and somehow fixed damage caused by him.
So that's why my 1st correction of CONSTITUTION will be BLACK LIST! Simple thing and useful. Persons who created this chaos in which we are all now MUST BE DELETED FROM POLITIC LIFE IN JAPAN! Those persons like: Squisomething, Hex and others who planed that suicide MC will NEVER BE IN ANY KIND OF DEAL! They mustn't be allowed to come back to JAPAN and any proposition in that way will be threaten as provocation. Why? Because i offered to Squi-or-whatever to came back here at our community and act normally but some time after that talks (in that negotiations he showed his true face and offered me a 50k cc for Dictatorship hat. He have no honor!) spend all his energy bars to fight against JAPAN in our attempt to became part of European Union.

Article 2. The Diet of Japan and the Office of the President are democratically elected by the rightful citizens of eJapan.
Again, so murican. And again, black list. Some people cannot be elected into Congress and those people will find them self easily.
My 2nd amendment will be right for Dictator/Shogun to block any proposition from Congress. If i remember good for some important decisions we needed 2/3 of votes in Congress so that may be used instead Dictatorship VETO. For sure Congress needs it power back. I'm not fan of Dictatorship but if we have to protect our land from all possibilities of outsiders attack i will rather chose our Dictatorship.

Article 9. The armed forces of the State of eJapan belong to the people.
Funny thing here is that WE HAVE ARMED FORCES, opposition don't.

Article 7. eJapanese citizens shall enjoy freedom from discrimination from all classes, including from areas such as sex, race, ethnicity, religion, nationality, class, sexual orientation, and gender identity and expression

"sexual orientation, and gender identity and expression"
Sorry but i can swallow (MUEHEHEHEHEHE) 1st sentence but 2nd and 3rd...


Article 8. eJapanese citizens shall enjoy the liberty of speech, writing, publication, public meetings, demonstrations and associations, within the limits of the law without inciting libel or slander

If you want i can give you a space in my yard to demonstrate as much you like. My address will be given into IGM if some of Serbians players who used nazi chants wants to come over. I promise them their security from me but my hamster is really, really mad when he smell catholics or atheists...
Liberty of speech is well showed here. If you have followed my articles you could understand how we are opened to all kind of talks..

Article 11. The State of eJapan protects the legitimate rights and interests of Japanese nationals residing abroad and protects the lawful rights and interests of returned overseas Japanese

Article 4. The Shogun shall be elected by the sovereign people of the State of eJapan.
Sorry, this will not be accepted. We chose Dictator because WE HAVE MAJORITY AND 75% OF MILITARY POWER here in Japan. If we count allies and friends, well look at the our MC score. Trust me when i'm saying this. Our offer is much more better than your in some parallel universe where you are majority.

Article 8. The Shogun is not allowed to establish candidacy for any political office.
Our Dictator doesn't chose candidates. CP does. Shogun appoint them after CP elect his team.

And much, much more to write about it but who will read miles of text?

IF YOU HAVE SOME IDEAS OR ANYTHING TO ADD, PLEASE DO. We shall read and take your thoughts into consideration.

President of Japan, multi master and oppressor of minorities, EL FAT PADRE