Do the right thing- Practice your right not to vote

Day 442, 17:14 Published in USA USA by Tiacha

I’m going to get right to the point. The admins are tyrannical and don’t believe in true democracy. They’re trying to base this game on the US system of government where the major parties rule and if you’re a minor party, you can’t advance.

Last election, 6th parties were able to run candidates for President. This term, both the Federalist Party candidate, Alby and the Green Party candidate, Peter Green, were left off the ballot in a decision by the admins. They were given no reason other than “just because”.

With, in my mind, no truly good candidate running, it’s like choosing between the lesser of two evils. America, stand up for what is right! Send a message to the admins tomorrow by not voting. Maybe when there is less voter turnout will the admins finally get the message that 6th parties should be allowed not only to run for the Presidency, but run candidates for Congress. Without the ability to represent themselves in government, they’ll never become a top-5 party. Thus, we as eAmericans will be left without good competition in election and will be forced to pick from the lesser of two evils.

Stand up against this tyranny, America. Exercise your right not to vote tomorrow!