Do packs that allow players to abuse D1 really need to exist?

Day 3,539, 15:39 Published in USA USA by Liracy

Admin's Mood Music and Thought Process. (Warning, strong language.)

This one is going to be a bit of a rant, if you're not in the mood I understand. If you are however, a bit disenfranchised with things feel free to read on.

Let me start by saying that I understand that the game is here to generate revenue. This is fundamental to the game existing. I don't have a PROBLEM with this in the least, I've even spent money on the game myself but there should absolutely be limits to what is and is not sold. Things that directly hurt players should NOT be sold. Namely ANY pack that allows for the continual monthly abuse of D1 to get Medals, removing ANY Chance of any new player to obtain BH. Nearly every round of every fight I see is someone with 150k + strength topping the charts in D1.

This is unacceptable and has no place in the game.

Problem: There is no real way to force those players with massive strength counts out of D1 quickly.

Solution: Divisions are now locked to strength. Once you hit a new strength tier you are LOCKED to a new division. This coupled with the MANDATORY removal of all packs which allow for abuse of the division system would solve the issue.

My suggestions on things that I feel SHOULD be sold for money.

Energy. Sell energy. Be it boosts, refills or whatever you'd like. Couple this with more ways to spend energy and people will still purchase packs.

Gold. (Obviously.)

Resource Boosts for companies. These don't harm new players. If anything, a company owner who purchased said boosts might actually be able to HIRE new players.

Additional Storage.

Further, I'd love to hear thoughts from older players who actually use these packs that allow for D1 abuse. Are they important to you? Do you feel they're fair? Would you be horribly upset were they to be disabled? You should have a voice too, and I'd not be opposed to hearing ANY and all counter arguments for this point, though it is my sincere hope that you don't take some kind of (sick) pleasure in abusing new players.

What do you feel the game needs to breathe life into it? If the packs were removed what would you like to see replaced? What do you think belongs in the cash shop and what do you think does not? I understand that D1 BH's are a source of gold income from some players.. but making it impossible for new players to obtain them isn't the way to go about it.

We don't need to be at each other's throats.

Lets work together and MEGA™. (Make Erepublik Great Again.)