Day 810, 20:02 Published in Canada Canada by Derek Harland

Today, we saw the true might of EDEN and how much more co-ordinated and stronger we are. We saw two very significant events take place today that ended up in an EDEN victory. 1) France is no more, yes I repeat, France is completely occupied and one could say Operation French Toast is now complete. 2) The United States won the battle in the South East of England which is probably the most important region aside from London due to its high company number and also its border with London. The impressive thing is that EDEN found enough damage to win both of these battles even though most of it was spent fighting in Upper Normandy today to finish off the French. The one loss sustained is that Peru (Poland) lost in North of Brazil but the main objectives today were Upper Normandy and South East of England, both won. Now that France is gone, all of our damage can be focused on the United Kingdom and finishing them off, especially the battle in London that will inevitably come. From Canada's POV, we region swapped with Norway into Scotland, meaning we are back in the swing of things.

The biggest news of the day is of course, France's complete annexation. To give everyone a little bit of history with France as I feel I have not quite explained why they were attacked, I will do so here. Around a year ago, Canada and ATLANTIS invaded France as part of Operation French Toast. We had early gains and managed to establish a beachhead but were eventually pushed out of France and there was a war remaining with Canada and with a lot of MPPs activated. In World War III, North America was invaded by PEACE forces and Canada was eventually occupied. Our dear allies Spain, made a sacrifice and attacked France which blocked them from attacking Canada or the US any further and activated French MPPs. France then used this to completely take over Spain as well. So in WWIII, at one point, Canada was completely occupied, Spain was completely occupied and the United States was left with Florida. This has lead Spain to take revenge on the French and they, along with Spain and Poland have now completely occupied France.

After the battles won today and the Polish loss in North of Brazil, there isn't much new to report. With the invasion of the United Kingdom leaving the UK down to 5 regions, the US and Sweden have attacked three regions of the UK. Here are the current results:

USA into East Midlands
+66294 = UK is currently holding this region by 66,294 defence points.

USA into West Midlands
+57812 = UK is currently holding this region by 57,812 defence points.

Sweden into Yorkshire & Humberside
+192216 = Sweden is currently holding this region by 192,216 defence points.

It is likely that tomorrow there won't be an attack on London so allied forces can rest up from heavy fighting today in Upper Normandy and the South East of England but the US will probably make a push to win both of the Midland regions. Other than that, there is a TW between Malaysia and the Phillipines. I want to congratulate all of EDEN on an amazing day of success and there is only more to come in the near future.

-Derek Harland
eCanadian Minister of Defence