Divisive Politics

Day 1,795, 00:05 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Buck Taylor

Welcome to the fifteenth article of Red Rag

The nature of eBritish politics today is becoming polarised, a yawning gulf emerging between either side of the political divide. This deep chasm long ago claimed the now broken body of understanding, the smashed corpse of neutrality and the rotted carcass of respect. In the minds of political activists and so-called pundits alike the only things capable of bridging the gap are vitriol, spite and recrimination.

This is not the way, you know it, I know it, even that evil bastard whose responsible for all the ills that have ever befallen the eUK, ever, and who stubbornly refuses to realise I’m right and he’s wrong, he knows it too. But still it continues.

I don’t write this article to offer some wondrous solution, there is no magic cure that will fix our broken politics. What we need goes beyond that, what we need is for each and every citizen of our green and pleasant land to realise that it is down to them. Every time you insult a fellow citizen you dig the grave of decency that little bit deeper. And at this rate we’ll be able to hand over the coffin to the devil personally.

Show some respect, even to those poor deluded fools who don’t vote the way you do. Because, without them, eRepublic is nothing.

- Comrade Buck, MP

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