Distraught Dublin

Day 1,389, 10:34 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Chris Kettle

Distraught Dublin

After regaining lost ground at the start of the war the UK has steamed into Ireland taking all regions but Dublin with little resistance showing the world Ireland as a fighting unit to be weak and penetrable. Not long ago Ireland held a chunck of the UK, they are now reduced to their capital 'Dublin' which I imagine will be the subject of a lot of talk in the coming days. Friday afternoon UK conquered Mayo and have set their sights on the Capital. The way I see it there are two options: Annexing Ireland or Forcing Ireland into negotiation and get them too 'seed' regions to UK, Fruit regions of course. Either way it is hard to see Ireland getting anything out of this war. I would almost declare UK victorious.

Ireland at the extent of their assault into the UK

Ireland on 9th Spetember

Remember to eat you 5 a day!


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