
Day 1,545, 09:07 Published in India USA by miles247

Continuing our journey from the last article.

Detachment/disengagement is one tricky thing. You have to learn all there is to know about your attachments before you can cut them down.

Discontent in my opinion is trickiest of them all, and most dangerous. For it gives rise to several other emotions which disturb the inner balance of one, like anger and other destructive tendencies.

It is tricky for many reasons. For one it is not easy to identify. We hide it all the time. It becomes like a dragon that keeps gushing fire inside. In an individual’s life, he is the centre of everything. Well, if the universe is to remain in balance, he must be in balance, which is not possible if he sees this roaring fire inside him. So discontent is hidden from one himself, let alone from the world. Thing is that it is always an attempt, for fire is bound to come out one way or the other. Burning things in its way is its nature. With this eruption, its intensity inside one decreases somewhat, so it becomes controllable for the time being. One keeps struggling between this hiding and eruption of his discontent.

What can one do in regard to his discontentment is totally upto him. He must look for why the discontentment is there and then only can he decide how best to extinguish it once and for all.

One major issue in this quest could be the dreams, for dreams are the basis of life. Without them, life is almost impossible. When you have dreams, you wish for more. When you wish for more, it gives rise to discontent.

Question in this regard is, what kind of dreams does one have? Is he running after money or other worldly things? Or he wants to travel inwards and find the depth of himself? I think dreams and content can survive together. What is lacking is the correct state of mind, where one can have dreams and still be content. Reaching that state of mind is something one has to do by himself.

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