Dinner and Discussion with... Tecchi.

Day 757, 17:14 Published in Australia Australia by Dartreal

Hello and welcome to another edition of Dinner & Discussion with Dartreal. I am your host, Dartreal, and I welcome you to my home.

Tonight, I’m proud to present my interview with Tecchi. For those who don’t know, Tecchi was the head of the now defunct Redbacks Corp, a contingent of soldiers that were formed when eAustralia started claiming her land back from eIndonesia. He built our military from the ground up, was a Minister of Defense and became one of the founding members of ADSP. After a hiatus he has recently returned back to eAustralia to have dinner and some discussion with yours truly, Dartreal.

Tonight’s guest: Tecchi (Click Here For Profile).
Tonight’s meal: Gnocchi with Bolognese Sauce.
Tonight’s tune: Mozart’s Fur Elise.

Dartreal: Tecchi thanks for joining me for dinner and a discussion.

Tecchi The pleasure is all mine.

Dartreal Many new comers in eAustralia don't know who you are since you've just returned back home to us. Could you please explain your absence?

Tecchi Well, it was a combination of things. The main reason being that I had started my first year of University in RL and it put quite a considerable workload on me.

Dartreal And for those who don’t know, the RL Realm is a place that we do not speak of. But we are glad to have you back in the eWorld and especially back on eAustralian soil. Much as changed since you were gone, good sir.

Tecchi I am glad to be back, and to get in the swing of things again. It’s very overwhelming how much the eWorld has changed since I left.

Dartreal I know this is a very touchy subject for some people but how were your adventures in the RL Realm? I've heard some scary things about it.

Tecchi It is… very hard to talk about it. The horrors that await you in the RL Realm... could make any grown man cry.

Dartreal There's nothing like some more wine to build up the courage to talk about these events. Would you care for some?

Tecchi Ah yes, some wine would be lovely.

Dartreal It's from the eFrance vineyards, 20 years aged. Now, the RL Realm - what "horrors" awaited you?

*Tecchi swirls his wine glass, taking a small whiff, then sipping slowly.*

Tecchi Imagine this if you can kind sir: Piles of assignments and worksheets, as high as the tallest skyscraper.

Dartreal The horror! Oh the humanity!

Tecchi Textbooks with the weight of a thousand elephants!

Dartreal Oh Lord, why have thou forsaken thee!?

Tecchi Lecturers as savage as the fiercest lion!

Dartreal Enough! No more please! Pass me the wine so that I may erase these terrible images from my mind!

* Tecchi passes the wine*
* Dartreal pours a glass and drinks it down, fast.*

Tecchi Mmm it’s good. The Gnocchi is moist and well cooked. The conversation flows like wine and the wine flows... like wine as well.

Dartreal My chefs are the best in eAustralia, trained in kitchens throughout the eWorld, and I only offer the best wine as well. Let's go back to the RL Realm now that we've both have drunk a bit more wine: I've heard rumours that you exiled yourself in fear of "things to come" - is this true?

Dartreal Ah... so how have you enjoyed your dinner so far?

Tecchi These rumours are entirely false I would’ve loved to stay around to see ATLANTIS and PEACE crumble, or to see eAustralia gain all its regions back but alas I couldn’t. But I am here now, to see eAustralia through to a new age.

Dartreal It is a shame that you weren't here to see eWA returned to eAustralia. It was something done that people wanted yet when it was done, it caused a bit of trouble. My question to you, being one of the old eAustralians who helped rebuild this country: If a vampire drank the blood of someone who had AIDS, would the vampire get AIDS?

Tecchi Oooh, this is a toughie. * Tecchi checks the oracle*. It says "Answer uncertain - Try back later."

Dartreal It is a question that I too find myself having trouble to answer. Perhaps an easier question should be aske😛 What's your favourite type of muffin?

Tecchi Blue berry!

Dartreal Favourite milk flavour?

Tecchi Blue Berry!

Dartreal Would you consider drinking Blue Berry flavoured milk during the consumption of Blue Berry muffins?

Tecchi Never! How dare you speak of such a thing that is taboo!

Dartreal I am sorry to talk about such a taboo topic. Let's talk about your good friend Cozza. Recently he was eMarried to the lovely Dycey Farley. Were your present for the eMarriage and celebration that followed?

Tecchi I was there, you might remember me, I was the one at the back stuffing his face with cocktail shrimp.

Dartreal Well I wasn't invited to the wedding or the reception afterwards so I wouldn't know. Question: If you could turn back time, would you steal Dycey away from Cozza?

Tecchi Well I heard that Cozza's been having an eAffair with over 11 women now, losing his eGatorade sponsorship deal. Must be hard on poor Dycey.

Dartreal I would take that as a yes?

Tecchi Of course, who wouldn’t?

Dartreal Someone who had respect! I'm started to believe that you fled to the RL Realm out of fear of Cozza, as the rumours say. A real friend wouldn't do something like this to their good mates. You sir, are not a good friend and should have never returned to eAustralia! I am disgusted to have you in my house having dinner! Care for some freshly baked blue berry muffins?

Tecchi What kind words, and yes I would like a muffin.

Dartreal Let's talk about something not a lot of people know of, you were once a part-owner of Stary City Casino. How was that like?

Tecchi So much fun. I love a good gamble, maybe a little too much and when u part-own the casino, you always win!

Dartreal Were there any times that you had to be "enforceful" towards anyone who had any outstanding debts?

Tecchi There were a couple times and it was handy being the MoD at the time as well, so I could use the Dropbears as free Hired Muscle.

Dartreal Government corruption is good corruption. Question: Do vegetarians eat animal crackers?

Tecchi No way, animal crackers have rights too maaaaan!

Dartreal Speaking of vegetarians: If a vegetarian eats vegetables, what does a humanitarian eat?

Tecchi Somalians! Hahaha!

Dartreal Good answer. Well now that you're back in eAustralia what are some things you are looking forward to doing?

Tecchi Well, I’m hoping to work my way back up through the Military system. I’m already a squad CO in 4th Platoon in the AAR and I think Stary City Casino may make a comeback

Dartreal It sounds like you're a man with a plan. I'm sure you'll make a great membe once again to eAustralia. We're coming to the end of our discussion so let's finish up with some Word Association! Before we begin, would you care for another beverage? Perhaps some coffee or tea?

Tecchi As an ex- resident of eUK I’ve grown a strong love for some tea please.

Dartreal Wonderful. I'm a big fan of it myself. A drink for the truly civilized, unlike that beastly coffee stuff people drink. Now let's begin with our game. Ready?

Tecchi Ok.

Dartreal Marco.
Tecchi Polo

Dartreal Polo.
Tecchi Polo

Dartreal The Queen of England.
Tecchi Old Hag

Dartreal Miley Cyrus
Tecchi Lousy singer

Dartreal Hilary Clinton naked on a hot summer's day.
Tecchi Vomit everywhere.

Dartreal Tecchi.
Tecchi Who everyone is gay for.

Dartreal And finally, Dartreal.
Tecchi Excellent Interviewer.

Dartreal Oh you are too kind sir! I'm blushing! Well thank you very much for joining me for a discussion over some dinner. It was an honour to have you and please, take some lovely blue berry muffins with you for the road.

Tecchi Why thank you. I believe I will and thanks a lot for having me.

Dartreal Anytime. Take care!

Tecchi Farewell.

There you have it eAustralia, dinner and discussion with an eAustralian who helped rebuild eAustralia. We look forward to how Tecchi is going to contribute to eAustralia in the future. Join me next time for another addition of Dinner & Discussion with Dartreal. Until then I’m Dartreal - dine fine Australia.