Digest - August 15th

Day 269, 10:04 Published in USA USA by Archibald
Military Kudos

Our military is quickly approaching the goal of 300 enlisted soldiers. BuzzyTheCat has done a great job as Director of the NSC. As our military grows, the more potential for leadership positions develop within the military. Roby_Petric has shown great ability heading up the National Guard division. Pearlswine has developed a wartime medic program that will efficiently support our soldiers. I don't anticipate any wars for the time being, but I am very excited to see what our revamped military is capable of.

Citizen Expansion Program

Because there are no obvious holes in our Q1 markets, the UEO has now gone back to spreading out new employees to all industries. Took Lowind is doing a great job finding the best salaries available to new citizens and getting them off to a good start.


I have been working to absorb some of the recent invite Gold into our national treasury. Going forward I will be working to increase our exchange rate some, but this will be costly in terms of USD. The reason for doing this is to provide our companies with a competitive advantage when competing against imports and trying to export.