Did you know about Mr. Salmon?

Day 579, 08:19 Published in Canada Canada by desdemona22

This article has to do with real life and not eRepublik (I am really bored so I am writing it).

So do you know anything about the salmon you eat? It tastes good and it is orange. That may be about it I would think. I am betting that most of you reading this have eaten salmon before and you probably usually buy it fresh from the store. Well prepare to be quite disgusted on how that salmon gets there.

Salmon is a very popular fish. It has a nice taste it's fairly healthy and its not too expensive. Most people think the same way as consumption has risen by about 23 percent each year for the last decade or so. Salmon is a fish that has been overfished in the past and now there is not that much of it near Canada. Still we have salmon at our plates whenever we really want it. Well that salmon comes from Norway. And the big reason for the fresh salmon from Norway on your plate is because it's easier to travel long distances across the world with a bunch of salmon rather than paying a worker in Europe or North America to do the same job.

First Atlantic salmon, that's right most Atlantic salmon in the stores, is caught off the coast of Norway where it is frozen and taken to a large port. At this port probably in a bigger city in Europe, the salmon is put onto a large ship which is then sent to a big city in China. There the salmon is thawed and processed in a factory where many young women skin, debone and fillet the fish. Then it is frozen again and the salmon is put on a boat to North America or Europe and sold as "fresh" salmon under halogen lights. This is two months after it has been caught the salmon is sold and eaten by you the consumer. That is messed up eh. Yeah it really, really is.

Oh and stay tuned for my congressional presentation later in the day when I actually feel like making it 😛.