Dictatorship Run

Day 3,032, 06:03 Published in Ireland Ireland by Releasethe Krakken

Hello my friends and tortured children.

I hear we have soon a dictator elections and I WOULD LIKE TO ANNOUNCE HEREBY THAT i WILL be your dictator soon with no need for pesky elections and such democratic ceremonies. I will lead the land out of mediocrity into the light of the word.

The word will indeed shine on you tortured children as you do your daily chores and work in my gardens.

So rejoice and accept my blessing of never having to vote or think again.

Indeed you will be enlightened and set afloat from daily rat race. Food and weps will be provided by generous donations left by our most gracious Nogin the Nog. .

indeed the concept of 'THE SILENCE" was invented by your KRAKKEN MANY MANY MOONS AGO. and indeed in my rule you will be able to enjoy the silence with the occasional whip crack for the few heretiks among you.

So please inform me when you have cleared teh last few mothballs and foggies from my palace.

The following will my administration:Chief Whip Cracker Biednymis
Master of Ceremonies: Nerusia
Clerk responsible for chewing on finger nails and counting gold coins as they are used-Nogin the nog
Court Clowns: WHS & Ice Drake Shyvana
Minister of evil laughter: Sluagh (to be confirmed)
Minister responsible for handling of complaints: Sweet Drinker ( to be confirmed)
Minister of important issues: Moomoohead.
Bearded wonder: Tomislave rex or T-Rex
Of course even with all of the above we will not be strong enough. So after a while I will smooth out the following deal with current country.

EireBulgaria - First Regent "teh honorable Releasethe Krakken"
Accounting Notes:Writing of pesky article informing minions of regime change: 2 Gold to be deducted from state coffers later on.