Diary of an Australian soldier day 6

Day 761, 18:46 Published in Canada Australia by Cortes118

Dear Diary;

The day started the same as usual: birds chirping and the sun rising.

We were told to defend Queensland. We started driving towards Brisbane - Halfway there, in the desert, we ran over a mine. The front of the car blew, flying up several metres high. Glass shattered everywhere - it was hectic. The car landed and started rolling down a hill. There was blood everywhere.

The car came to a halt. Manic then said, " Ok, people, hope you had a nice trip to the outback, hope you enjoyed your ride and hopef you were wearing q5 helmet.”

I thought to myself, "Cheeky bastard."

We all got out. I was feeling so weak I flopped to the ground.

"All right ladies, just let me see if the radio is working and we will get you back to base." Manic tried to sound reassuring.

A voice from the radio said, " Hello this is Bass Junkie, Deputy Minister of Defence speaking.”

Manic quickly responded, “This is Manic - We drove over a mine. We are now stuck in the outback and we need to be transported back to base."

Bass replied, "Stay in your position for a day and we should be able to reach you."

"Ok, great. Over and out." Manic turned to us and said, “All right, listen up. Wer’e going to be stuck here for a day, so Ronnyjnr go find some food and water." He paused, then, "Everyone else help build a shelter."

After ten minutes we could hear gunfire Ronny’s direction. We ran toward it and saw Ronny pitted against 50 Brazillians. They saw us. We had no option but to surrender.

We put our hands up and walked over to them. They told us to get in a line. The commander said." If any of you try to resist us we will personally make this wasteland your graveyard."

Ronny then leapt at the major and pulled out a bayonet, but he was too slow. The major kicked him back, pulled out a pistol and blew his brains out.

"Good. Anyone else willing to risk there life?”

No one moved; we were all shocked at how heartless he was.

"Good, let's move"

We then walked all the way to a truck and were locked in the back of it.

We all thought we were going to be executed when we got to the camp, but instead we were greeted by other prisoners. "Welcome to Northern Territory, Brazil."

It was nighttime by then. I asked for food and received a punch in the face instead "YOU GREEDY PIGS! YOU CAN GO WITHOUT FOOD FOR 2 DAYS NOW AND YOU WILL WORK AN HOUR EXTRA." We walked to bed, starving..

Looks like we’re going to have to plan an escape from this godforsaken place and who knows what torture they will put us through tommorow?

From Guy Baumber