Diary of an Australian Soldier

Day 760, 17:41 Published in Greece Australia by Cortes118

Dear Diary,
I lie in the grass sniping soldiers who are trying to attack us they aren't doing so well. Manic comes up to join the squad with beers for everyone, He informs us that we're doing a good job and to keep up the good work. I think to myself for a few seconds and ask him, "Hey Manic will we ever be able to win this war or gain the initiative?" A moment of silence follows.
"Well you see the war is winnable but the problem is we won't be able to regain the iniative for a vey long time."
"So all of the fighting currently is just to hold them off till we gain the initiative?" I reply questioningly. He thinks for a moment.
"Well yes but..." our conversation is interupted by some Brazillians coming up the hill.

There are 2 of them. They are holding their hands up in the air yelling, "We surrender! Please, we give up, don't hurt us."
&quot😉ean Kong come over here and bring these people to the P.O.W camp." Manic orders. One suddenly pulls out a pistol and shoots Dean Kong in the arm he falls to the ground."NOOO!!!!!" I yell. Pulling out 2 bayonets I charge screaming down the hill just as he reloads and shoots, I push the gun out of his hand and stab a bayonet in his gut. His intestines start falling out of his stomach he screams, "KILL ME JUST F'ing KILL ME!" I then pull the bayonet out of his gut he scream in pain. I then continue to slice the other persons throat and run over to Dean Kong.

&quot😉ean, you all right?"
"Get me a medic." He replies.
"The next medic is ten kilometres away we won't make it in time."
"Nothing is impossible." He tells me.
&quot😉on't just stand there!! give me some help!" I yell to the others. KeithFarrel comes over and picks up his legs we carry him all the way to the medic. We place him on the bed. I yell out, "Medic!" Someone comes over he looks at his shoulder and observes the wound and checks Dean's pulse. "Nothing.. I'm sorry kid." He then puts a blanket over his body and wheels him off. I sit on the floor with my back against the wall thinking to myself "Is this war really worth the bloodshed? Is it really worth the sacrafice? Why can't we just all live together in peace and harmony?"

My thoughts are interupted by Manic coming in, "Come on we need to go defend South Australia." I look outside to see some jeeps waiting. We drive forward towards South Australia, with the feeling of sadness that we had lost another brave Soldier. Manic looked at me and said."Cheer up you will probably get the Victoria Cross for this, you risked your life to save him."
I understood he was just trying to help. I smiled back.
We arrived in Adelaide to hear Sir_c0nsta blowing the whistle and yelling "Charge! Onwards!"
I have to go now we are about to take over a Brazillian base.

Guy Baumber

A big thx to Jade_Anon for editing