DI Stats [2413-2427]

Day 2,429, 13:23 Published in Romania United Kingdom by Dacia Immortalis

Pentru recrutari va asteptam pe canalul DI-public cu numele din joc

New Ranks:
Titan *- Calutzu
Titan - vladb, Xpertiza, Calin2009
God of War *** - hondy72, just_dst
God of War ** - Acmeone, EK Blacky, jonnyjon, Raptorhd
God of War * - Bombia, fleoshk
God of War - alexaseba, dj Tieff, Ghostuletz
World Class Force** - Beggi, sf petru III
World Class Force - Durras
National Force * - AlexGrd, hvaruelc
Supreme Marshal ** - s a p t e
Field Marshal ** - Cucu Andrei
General ** - Kilirica Vanatorescu
Colonel * - eSerzu

prezenta - 91,52%
influienta - 62.619.263.540
medalii - 1.372
gold din medalii - 6.580

I am immortal, I rule the slaughter, and side by side we ride!