Devill for Arkansas!

Day 908, 10:59 Published in USA USA by Devill

Hello, i am Devill, and i am running for congress in the region of Arkansas. This is what matters to me, and to this great country.

Our military is the lifeline of our country. They fight in battles to defend us, and our allies. We, here in the eUSA need a worthwhile war, a war of our own! As a former SGT in the Army, i know how important our military is. Deploying on a moments notice, that, is what they do. Funding is important, as is recruitment. With more members, more funding is needed. Military will bring us to the #1 Nation in the eWorld! And that brings me to my second point.

Player Retention
The military is a great tool to keep our babies in the game. These new players, they are our future. They can join the military, rank up, get stronger, and in return, make our country stronger. We get bigger walls, we get more damage, we get more active players.

Foreign Relations
I believe we need to keep our allies close, and not have what happened with Poland and Spain. I will help fix our relations with all of our allies, while keeping an open mind. With continuing negotiations with EDEN, we have to remain respectful to get respect back. EDEN is our allies, and we have, and will do so.

When V2 comes out, there will be many changes. I will work with whom we need to, so that we will excel above our competition. We will become a stronger power, we will not be help back, we will liberate regions, and take the enemies. Their land, Their blood.

I have sent over 200 citizens to help build our high iron wall up. I will continue to do so also. The more there is the better it is. With a current population of around 3880, we are less than half of Serbia's high iron, Lion King. We need to move more of our citizens there, we need to do this as it will keep our economy where it is, and not worsen.

If you like what i stand for, please send me a message saying that you will vote for me, and i will send enough tickets your way to move and vote, plus i will gift you back 4 wellness after you vote for me, to get you to where you where.