Determination Bonus. A bit further.

Day 2,192, 08:27 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by Weekstrom

We recently had the Determination Bonus announced. Something I welcome very much so;

Thank you!
First of all thank you Admins for introducing this Determination Bonus. It saves me the time to publish an article in which I explain why this bonus (That I myself had called Resistance Bonus) should be implemented. And what’s better; You already implemented it in a way that I couldn’t have hoped for, namely with an increasing bonus. I myself had a proposal ready that had a fixed percentage as I figured that would be easier to implement but the way you handled it is much better and will no doubt help restore the balance in the game a bit.
The one thing I’m still curious about is how high that bonus would be and if and how we can see it on an occupied region. Half a percentage a day seems a nice amount.

The logic of extra Rank
The one thing I don’t get however is why the extra influence is not also added to the damage or better the resulting rank points. It would seem logical that a soldier that is more determined to fight also is more active with it and as a result would rank faster as well. Something not only logical in my view but also a slight advantage for the several oppressed regions and their players that have way lesser means of gaining rank than the players in the major countries or soon to be called empires. Besides that it makes programming easier and thus the chances of failure lower and it also is more CPU friendly making the servers having less load.

Home Soil Bonus
In my proposal I wanted to publish I also had the Home Soil Bonus. A bonus that represents the will of a nation to fight for its own country. That would mean that players from a country, fighting for one of its original regions, be it in a RW or in an attack, would have an advantage over the other fighters. 50% seems a fair amount. For this the nationality of the player is leading, not it’s MU.

It would be nice and make the game a bit more realistic again if this was also implemented.

So how would that look like?
Let’s assume a few different situation that I explain first.
One of the French regions is occupied by Poland for 60 days, which would give fighters that fight for the liberation of the region would gain a 30% damage bonus (Using the afore mentioned 0,5% bonus per day of occupation)

If a French player fights in this war to liberate one of the originally French regions he would gain another 50% bonus. In effect he would have a bonus of 95%

In the table below you’ll see the effect in two types of battles where DB stands for Determination Bonus of the player, HSB stands for Home Soil Bonus of the player, TB stands for total Bonus of the player, BH stands for Base Hit of the player and RH stand for Resulting Hit of the player being the influence, and in my view damage from which rank is determined as well.

I hope we can see implementation of this proposal back soon in the game as a further extension of the Determination Bonus!

Following soon
Proposal for tax effects that reflect reality better than the occupation tax we have received recently.
A proposal on renting regions.