Detailed election results

Day 645, 02:13 Published in USA USA by stancel
Results of the August Congressional elections in the USA.

The America's Advancement Party had quite a big showing to say the least. They now control 50% of Congress! Say what? You'll notice that most of their elected candidates have zero votes, I have to assume most of them were candidates for Maine before it was conquered. That's probably something the admins have to look at, people getting elected with zero votes.

Controversially, one of those elected members of Congress with zero votes (but running on the Conservative ticket) is a PEACE supporter. Habraka Abrivianus, first uncovered when his request for citizenship was approved by Chris Stanwick. It was revealed Habraka Abrivianus was not only a supporter of PEACE, but part of the PEACE media mogul program!

Results (by individual)
1. Desertfalcon (CvP) - 511
2. Tormod (AAP) - 281
3. Daphne Lilac (LI😎 - 253
4. Zcia (USWP) - 210
5. Astra Kat G (UIP/ Green) - 199
6. mjdiv (LI😎 - 158
7. Cerb (USWP) - 151
8. ligtreb (USWP) - 148
9. Josh Frost (USWP) - 144
10. Bill Brasky (UIP) - 133
11. GoBucks (USWP) - 133

(those elected with 0 votes excluded from list)

All parties except for the AAP and USWP have small percentages, the USWP has 27% of Congress.

Now, onto other elections relevant to the US audience....

The South African election. The infamous Ajay Bruno did, in fact, win a seat in Congress, with the help of "Cool story, bro" Exilious's "followers". A contract was signed between the two that stated that Exilious would move voters in Ajay's favor if Exilious was nominated as the Presidential candidate of the Conservative Democratic Alliance (Ajay's party). Who knows if Ajay will honor the contract, I am doubtful that he will.

Newly independent South Korea was taken over by the Theocrats, a Dioist sect. This religion had previously taken over Switzerland, but they were invaded and completely occupied by Hungary. The Theocratic eSK Party now has a supermajority, 60%, and the Korean National Party has 40%.