Det John Kimble Running for Norsefire Leadership

Day 261, 10:49 Published in Canada Canada by det john kimble

With the retirement of President Sutler a great void will be left in Canadian politics. With Sutler at the helm Canada had strong central leadership, but the age of Sutler is almost over and The Norsefire party must choose a new leader. Upon my return to e-Canada I have mostly sat and observed what has transpired. However, I feel now is the time to act. I am entering the race for the Norsefire party leadership.

Why The Norsefire party? My political roots are in this party and feel it is my duty to run for its leadership. Additionally, I agree with many of Sutler’s policies, most of which I plan on maintaining if elected president.

Why me over any of the other candidates? I feel I have the knowledge and the experience to be president. I am a veteran of the Canadian American war and have held several ministry positions such as health minister and defense minister. I am keeping this article brief and do not want to get to deep into any policy issues just yet. In the days to come expect a few articles which will lay out my platform. Canada has grown under Sutler and I plan on continuing that growth and prosperity.