Destroying Democracy to Save It ?

Day 907, 08:54 Published in USA USA by Samuel Seabury

So here is the Outrage of the Week:

One month ago, I wrote an article criticizing my party on a number of grounds.

Since that time, one of the most arrogant and overbearing of the Federalist leaders, Greene12, was elected Federalist Party President, and is now in the process of being relected. Well, there was a fairly active campaign for the job, but today, on the very day of the election - and after I voted for him, Greene12's one sponsored opponent dropped out.

No problem with that, really, elections take their course, and as long as votes are done fair and square, neither I nor anyone should have a problem with it. HOWEVER, there is a problem now, because as this article states:

Federalists who have not previously voted are being directed to change over to the Republican Party and vote for a PTO candidate, Michael Porter.

This is wrong. It is deeply wrong, and it exemplifies everything that is bad about the eUSA political system and the manner in which its parties function. It takes advantage of the admins' incompetence and lack of rules to do things that are completely undemocratic and morally reprehensible. We all know who is involved in the Republican Party presidential election. For some time now, the former president of that party has been putting out ads and news articles attacking the current president, who, without doubt, has a checkered past.

But, people, two wrongs do not make a right, and any reasoned moral calculus would not judge the threat of AJ's continued presence as Republican Party leader as a threat to eUSA national security. Given the antics of Max MacFarland 2, of Emerick and of Woxan, one cannot help think that we have bigger fish to fry than PTOing a minor party. So even relativist ethics cannot justify doing this.

I call on any and all true eAmericans to condemn this action and those who are behind it, regardless of party loyalty or ideological persuasion. We must not use democracy's limitations as an excuse for destroying it, in the name of the eUSA.