Derek Harland for Congress in Newfoundland and Labrador!

Day 517, 15:09 Published in Canada Canada by Derek Harland

Yes, ladies and gentleman, I will be running for congress. I know that you have all been waiting for the time when I would be eligible to run for congress and the time is here. In the April 25, 2009 congress election, you need to vote for Derek Harland. I will be running in the Newfoundland and Labrador region with the Canadian Paradox Party. I want to take the time right now to thank Tom Hagen and the CPP for allowing me to run with their party since DAL isn't in the top 5 for members, preventing me from being able to run with DAL. In return, I will be paying CPP 3 of the 5 gold (if I win). I also had to move to Newfoundland and Labrador, so don't think I am getting off free here. So thank you to Tom Hagen and the CPP. Now here is a little bit about me and what I plan on doing if electe😛

"I joined the eRepublik world in February I believe and I have enjoyed it ever since. I am someone who believes in trying to incorporate everyone into the political world and trying to make a name out of people. My newspaper, the Alternate View, has been getting good support throughout my career as a journalist and I am gracious for everyone who has taken the time to read my articles or subscribed to my paper. I am someone who is focused on the political scene, the military isn't much of my concern. Economics comes in second to me for when I compare politics, economics and the military. I have always been trying to make a name in the eCanada country but being elected into congress is the next step I want to take. Instead of giving you guys much more boredom on my background, let's get into it. There are three things I want to do if elected to congress:

1) My first objective would be to lower the import rates. I believe in developing eCanada traditions and developing a sense of independancy but I also know that imports are a huge aspect of the Canadian economy and it would help a lot of people out. Lowering the import rates might encourage business owners to purchase from other countries goods that might be lower than what they are in Canada. This would save the companies money and it would also develop our relations with other countries possibly. This is goal number one.

2) My second obective would be to try to push for more wars in eCanada and even a training war. I think it is great when eCanadians get to fight for other countries or for their own country from the comfort of their own region without moving. I am not sure what I could possibly do by just being in congress but I would push for mutual protection pacts to be instituted by the president with countries that are going to be involved in war. The recent Romanian war where eCanadians got to fight from home was perfect for me and other relatively new people like me to learn what war is about and how it works. We also helped an ally and they in turn will help us in the future. So I am not sure how, but I will do my best to bring more wars to eCanada.

3) Last but not least, I will incorporate new members into the congress scene as best as possible. I will be a big advocate for congress transparency so everyone can get involved in the congress action and I will also be opening up a question box in the "Newbies" section on the forum. Also, I will be supporting DAL's charity and help for newbies organization that will be coming out soon likely. It is important for new members to feel comfortable when they come to the country so they will stay active in the game. A big problem in eCanada is the lack of activity and it is crucial we manage to keep new players around. This is my third and final point.

Whether you like me or not, I hope you strongly consider the points I have made in this presentation. I am serious about running for congress and I feel that I would be an amazing congress member who can do some good for the country. I know all congressman promise this, but I guarantee I will not re-sign from congress, or go inactive.

So on April 25th, 2009 when you are thinking of who to vote for congress, vote DEREK HARLAND! Please?

This is Derek Harland signing off.