Department of Homeland Security (DoHS)

Day 1,635, 13:57 Published in Switzerland Switzerland by Swiss Federal Chancellery

Decree for all Congressmen regarding the Citizenship application approval procedure (CSAAP)

Article 1st :

The CSAAP will be composed of the following phases :

- The Minister of the Homeland Security will have the responsibility to proceed on the investigation of the claimant on all the aspects that are seemed necessary.
- A vote is held when a player has applied.
- Congress (except for the dispositions of Art. 2 and 3) will hold an In-Game (IG) vote on the CS application, by voting "yes" or "no".
- CS is accepted with the half of the expressed votes (50😵, plus one vote of the Congressmen.
- The Minister of Homeland Security will ask, after Congress approval, a congressman who has the possibility to accept a CS application, to do so on the approved CSAAP. The congressman doesn't have the right to refuse, unless for clear, explicit and valid reasons.

Article 2 :

All Congressmen who do not respect the procedure mentioned above will be sanctioned by ban from the Congress section of the forum and will be excluded from the following CSAAPs.

Article 3 :

The CP, vP or ministers do not have the right to oblige a Congressman to accept a CS application. Sanctions are apply if the present article is out passed.

Article 4 :

This present decree will have immediate effect when publish by the Chancellery and is not retroactive.

Approved by the President,
Approved by the Vice-President,
Approved by the Minister of Homeland Security.