Department of Education: Guide to Party Donations and Various Updates

Day 567, 16:27 Published in USA USA by Department of Citizen Affairs

In an attempt to return the Department of Education to its roots, I, Tiacha, have been reappointed by Scrabman to revitalize the Department of Education. Over the past month in a half, the Department of Education has been inactive due to lack of stable leadership. This was not the intention of PrincessMedyPi and I, when we founded the department back in January. My goals for the department this month are simple:

• To improve the activity level of the Department. In order to do this, we need new members. As such, I’ve appointed, Tsaot, as the newest member of the DoE. Tsoat has a passion for education. He’s already written a guide for new players, using Google Documents which is quite comprehensive. His guide can be found here:
• Increasing the popularity of the Mentor Program. Bill Brasky has already done an awesome job in his efforts heading up the Mentor Program. I’d like to commend him for his hard work. He is a true example of DoE excellence.
• Continue to write articles about obscure topics. I started this trend in the DoE’s last article about tanking. In this article, I’ll be addressing the issue of Party Accounts…

Ever wonder why your party has 500 gold on the party page but it’s not being used to benefit, you, the party member? This is one of the obscure little parts of eRepublik newer players don't know about. So many new players join a political party, enthusiastic about making a difference. They think, what better way to contribute to my party then by donating to the party account. Doesn’t the money in the party account go to gifting programs, party companies, and moving tickets on Election Day? Doesn’t that money directly help me, the new eRepublik party member? Wrong.

Party Presidents cannot access money in party accounts. In fact, this money cannot be used for anything except paying the 5 gold monthly fee to keep a party alive. This monthly fee is automatically deducted from each party account once a month.

Still want to donate to your party? Well, there is a way. Most political parties have organizations you, as a party member, can donate to. Contact your Party President and ask them if your party has a party org. Money donated to party org directly help your party via gifting programs, party companies and moving tickets on Election Day. So, think before you hit the donation button, young party member. Donate your gold to a place where it really benefits your party, rather than having it waste away in a party account.
