Department of Defense Hacked

Day 444, 06:47 Published in Ireland Ireland by Igor Thunderbrow

Daoine na hÉireann,

As many of you have surely noticed the Department of Defense has been hacked over the last few days. Donations were made to myself, Irish_rebel and a foreign company owned by an Irish emmigrant Starkad Rorlikson called Nanook Capital and messages were posted impersonating me. I also received a rather vulgar message calling me a "stuck up @?*!".

Now I felt originally that I should remain silent on the issue but a number of conversations that I have had recently have made me feel that I should say something on the issue.

First of all I have returned the money (0.1GOLD) that was given to me by the Department while it was hacked and two of the three weapons to Banc Ceannais na hÉireann (there wasn't enough room in their inventory for the third one).

Secondly I had nothing to do with any of it and the message that claimed to be from me calling Top Gun a reasonably unpleasant name also had nothing to do with me and does not reflect my opinion of the man at all.

Now I really feel that whoever has hacked the account is pretty low especially for impersonating me and (presumably) trying to frame me... poorly I might add. However it does highlight a major problem with our departmental accounts. The password has remained unchanged for numerous terms of office meaning that a huge number of players have access to the account which only makes it too easy for something like this to happen.

Please just change the passwords....

Go raibh míle maith agaibh,
Igor Thunderbrow