Deificus in Utah!

Day 1,339, 20:55 Published in USA USA by Deificus

eAmerica is on the mend. Slowly, we're regaining regions and many of our allies are doing the same. Resistance wars are popping up all over the map; our adversaries are in disarray as these little surprises force them to change their plans. Such is the discord that they have deeply upset what could have been a great ally to ONE, the iNCi... because clearly, the needs of the ONE are far greater than the needs of the many.

Keep up these good times. Follow civilian orders out of the DoD newspaper; be active and time your attacks so you can put in as much damage as you possibly can during the day.

Oh, and ONE? Never change.

Now for an abrupt change of topic, I have decided to run for congress to represent the state of Utah... but in order to do that, I'm going to need your help. I'm a pretty active player. I put between 4-6 hours into this game on, very nearly, a daily basis. It might even be an understatement to say I've put in a fair amount of hours for the past 2-1/2 years. A lot of that time has been in various military positions, doing what I can to secure our place in the present... but I want to apply my abilities to benefitting our future.

This is where you come in.

I can still put in fights to favor America and her allies, but in order to have a hand in affecting the future of eAmerica, I need you to vote for me for congress on July 25th.

Why should you trust me to do the job? I've been involved in a lot of eAmerican institutions, and the time I've put in gives me a great deal of practical experience.

Some of those past responsibilities include commanding the eUS Mobile Infantry and the eUS Marine Corps of the JCS Forces, as well as most recently commanding the eUS Army of the eUS Armed Forces. Additionally, I have served our government's administration once as the Secretary of Defense, have put in several months as an adviser to the National Security Council and the White House, and I've served eAmerica once as a congressman.

Of course, not all positions give you the chance to prepare for the task of guiding America into the future, but a lot of these positions are high-responsibility jobs. Either you handle the task, or the task handles you.

Give me the opportunity to put these skills and experiences to use for you, and I will do everything I can to see our great nation progress into the future.

I look forward to seeing the numbers rise as each of you take a minute for your right to vote.

With love,