Defense of the ULJ

Day 1,237, 12:55 Published in Japan Japan by Ecka Stealer of Cows

To all Lolies preparing for another wave of persecution,

The recent reports about a ULJ conspiracy are all lies. Citizens like Fruitcommando and others are threatening our very existence.

Here is a link to the latest article of lies.

They expect us to stand for this?

How will we combat these unjust accusations?

We will be active in our community.

As current PP and hopefully PP in the future, I suggest members of the ULJ join up with the army or in a militia. We are and always will be a loyal party to Japan. We can actively show support by fighting for the empire.

Now, We Should Be A Party Of Truth.

I will now present what really happened to cause this latest slander.

I was in IRC yesterday when ULJ haters and I started to play monopoly. The game was going normally until people started trading. Everyone had almost gotten monopolies, except me. I was carrying a small amount of single properties. The good thing is that I had the last part that they needed.

So I gave them monopolies in exchange for about two properties and most of their cash. After that, They needed to buy houses. I had accumulated so much cash from my trades, that they all came running to me.

What did I do? I made them trade more property for less than what it was worth to me. I won that game, and they raged.


Thank you for reading
