Defend South Australia! – Facing the most powerful nations in eRepublik

Day 1,075, 22:55 Published in Australia Australia by H.Nelson

Dear true blue eAustralians,

Looks like the honourless eIndonesians finally decided to invade our land we fought so hard for. With their stack of MPP’s (18 vs. 3) including some of the most powerful nations in eRepublik they are clear favourites but it’s a great opportunity for us to show the famous Aussie fighting spirit.

Now please everyone follow these simple instructions to take part in the battle for South Australia, the state with a strategic importance.

¤ Check official DoD orders

See the official Department of Defence orders for updates throughout the day.

¤ Work before you fight

You might end up with extremely low health level at the end of the battle so make sure you work before hitting in SA. Working with low health will result in fewer goods produced and causes severe losses to the company you work for.

¤ Fight for South Australia

The elite forces of the Dropbears and ACUK are already fighting for our home and now it’s your turn to defend Australia! Fight in this battle with the highest quality weapon you can afford.

The RAAF’s F/A-18 Hornets on their way to SA to strike the Indonesian forces

Meeting a new challenge - The Royal Australian Navy's HMAS Melbourne heading South

High alert in a secret military base somewhere in the Northern Territory

A Black Hawk conducting pre-deployment training prior to her departure for SA

ACUK soldier Lokajaya in combat in the Great Victoria Desert

Cpt. Flatty and Pvt. Coagmano from the AAR Cockatoos proudly displaying their Australian flag in Adelaide, SA, just hours before being deployed

We will never give up! We will never surrender!


AAR Air Corps Corp.
President of the Australian Independence Party
Commander of the Order of Australia