Decretos Presidenciales//Presidential Decrees

Day 2,404, 14:54 Published in Cuba Spain by Albus Dumbledore

Información del Presidente de la República de Cuba a la nación cubana:

1. Por la presente, y debido a su inactividad, libero de forma temporal al compañero Lawrence of Arabia de sus funciones al frente del Ministerio de Defensa.

1.1 El compañero elTripleD pasará a ejercer las funciones de Ministro de Defensa.

2. Por la presente libero de forma temporal a la compañera Katy Hudson Perry de sus funciones al frente del Ministerio del Interior. En cuanto pueda disponer de tiempo y así lo manifieste volverá a su cargo

2.1 El compañero ChaniryXXL pasará a ejercer las funciones de Ministro del Interior.

3. Ordeno a los camaradas congresistas que devuelvan los impuestos al trabajo a su estado anterior al cambio realizado de forma traicionera por UFC.(10😵

Albus Dumbledore, Comandante en Jefe y Presidente de la República de Cuba.

Information from the President of the Republic of Cuba to the Cuban nation:

1. I hereby release comrade Lawrence of Arabia of his duties as Minister of Defense. As soon as he has time he will be returned to his former position.
1.1 Comrade elTriple will be performing duties as Minister of Defense.

2. I hereby release comrade Katy Hudson Perry of her duties as Minister of Interior. As soon as she has time again, she will be returned to his former position.
2.1 Comrade ChaniryXXL will be performing duties as Minister of Interior.

3. I command congressmen to return work tax to its former value of 10%. UFC attack must be annulled.

Albus Dumbledore, Commander in Chief and President of the Republic of Cuba