Declaration of War!

Day 1,531, 12:07 Published in Norway Georgia by Endymionis
Civil war - A civil war is a war between organized groups within the same nation state or republic.

a loyal Norwegian soldier

A declaration of war.

Even though we have been at war for a long time, I want every Norwegian to sign this document. Let us show them how much we want them gone. Naturally I would also appreciate support from the world community.

Vikinzi seem to insist that there are only a few of us that do not want them here - for selfish reasons - and that they can do some good for Norway. I want us to once and for all settle the matter and leave no trace of doubt behind.

I truly believe the eNorwegian community is one of the most open ones in this game. We have insisted that our chat and forums are in English and players that have shown an interest in being a part of our nation have been given a warm welcome.
That was also the case with LavBoris, nejjko, Coldplayer and a few others that came to Norway months ago.

Now I want to tell a tale about how our hospitality was betrayed. And how LavBoris (now known as LavBoris.PermBan) and nejjko earned their CP Medals.

The backstab

someone is holding a bloody knife

In the November congress elections Vikinzi worked with the President of Sweden at the time in their first strike against our nation. Sweden attacked and conquered the regions where most our our candidates ran, allowing the PTOers to get over two thirds of congress and securing LavBoris’ presidency.

This guy lost the election to Tommy, but managed to get him impeached in a sneaky move by getting his goons in congress to vote just before the end of the term.
You can read more about it here.

When you earn it like this it is no longer remains a medal, but becomes a Badge of Dishonour! A tarnish on their name that will forever remain for everyone to see.

The only reason they have been so successful is because we are constantly taken by surprise by the new lows they are willing to sink to.


greed or power?

Does it really matter? Some of them, especially the ones that have been here for a while - the core - say that they do it for fun... Why are they then acting like such killjoys...?
Personally I don’t see the fun of ruining a game for others. We feel like our house is infested with rats and we need to get rid of them before we can move on and start rebuilding it.


They use every option available to them; exploits, embezzlement, election fraud, medal peddling, hired goons and bribery just to name a few.

“I came here only to get congress medall.”
Pop - Milo Jovovic

I will only cover the cheap medal peddling this time, but I have solid sources for all of my accusations. The following is taken from the document provided to potential members of Vikinzi:

If you become a member of our team of TO you can count on congressional medal in one of the months (for the Congress will never know who will enter due to unforeseen circumstances)” -translated from Serbian-

a fake medal

It is beyond me why some people willingly will sell their soul and abandon all principles just to earn a medal. And again, what is this medal worth when you see that is comes from cheap medal peddlers? Do they really think no one will know how they got it? That the ones that actually earned their medals won’t look down upon them for actually being proud of getting it by cheating?

A lot of people have come to Norway as medal hunters, but most of them have had the decency to leave afterward and have not stayed on to destroy our country.


They try to deprive us of our right to rule our nation without an ounce of respect for our liberty. Stealing what they can and stating that they can do a better job and that we do not deserve to run our our country.

“We are simply looking to find some fun in this game. And it is fun when we take pover from people who don't know anything than to crying in newspapers. Not because we want to distroy something, but because we are better solution.” -

You say you would do a better job, but even if you were the best politicians in erep history there is no way you could undo the damage you have done. What value lies in the survival of our nation, if our traditions, our community and our people do not survive as well?

remember what we are fighting for

They have infiltrated our land and hold Norwegian citizenship, yet in all other manners they are not Norwegian and they are not our friends. They took the presidency and congress, but they did not manage to keep full control thus they created a civil war.
We are at war, but there is no doubt who has the rightful claim to this land.
They are invaders.

Final words

What saddens me the most is that a many of the newest recruits seem like respectable and reflected individuals that do not realize who they are dealing with.

Vikinzi attempts to cover up and distort the truth as it fits them. Because who would want to play with two-tongued-devils and corrupt leaches with a twisted sense of honour?
Very few, but yet too many. I guess birds of a feather really do flock together.

Just go home! If not even your own country wants you back now that you have shown so much of your true personality, well then you can always buy Chinese citizenship.

Norwegian MoD