Declaration of the Rights of Man!

Day 727, 05:34 Published in USA USA by Maxim Spart

I am officially throwing my hat into the ring to run for the congress seat in Vermont. I would be honored to serve this country as a congressman and help Josh Frost make this the strongest nation on the planet. I have his endorsement, the UIP and USWP endorsements and look forward to a solid campaign.

My keep it simple stupid plan for helping the nation as an elected official includes:

1. Be more active militarily...we need war as all nations in history have. It gives a boom to the economy; it builds our skills and makes for a more active player base. The war games with Ireland and Malaysia have been very productive.

2. Help discuss a revamping of our economic plans. There are many options to increase the player base and help our nation without spending the obscene amount of time needed in mentoring programs, education (universities) etc. I fully appreciate the efforts made by our cabinet members in doing this and would never push to end it. I just think that the key focus could be other areas.

3. Finally start to build a hospital/defensive system in our border areas. Our infrastructure is so weak compared to other top nations and needs to be addressed. The main focus should be our chokehold states like Alaska and high resource production states.

Those are only the three major ideas I will bring with me to the table and have many more as I start my political career on the national level. I have plenty of moving tickets thanks to my company to give out to those needing to move to Vermont to make the vote. I look forward to your support and thank you for your time!