December Government [ENG] [CAT] [CRO]

Day 1,844, 10:35 Published in Egypt Egypt by Lady ita

Dear citizens:

Me, ita I la Conqueridora, resident of the Comuna de la Valldigna, I present myself to you as the first Pharaoh of the catalan Generalitat. Here culminate our project for doing Egypt a home for all catalans that they wish. Project that hadn’t been possible without the help of L’n’L, who with us integrate the C&C (Croats & Catalans) alliance. That’s why I would like to give them special thanks for helping us to make our dream come true.

As you know, the situation of our country is complicated, we have been involved in a war beetwen mundial potences that hasn’t any relation with us. In spite of, the government will try to do all that’s in their hands, centering in the internal growth of the country.

I’ll would like to announce the new Government:

Pharaoh of the Generalitat: ita I la Conqueridora
Vicepresident: Ahileus

Minister of Economy: ebreake
Viceminister of Economy: foltof

Minister of Foreign Affaires: Naboal
Viceminister of Foreign Affaires: WichCro

Minister of Defence: FootballCasual
Viceminister of Defence: alexbcn88

Minister of Interior: Ali Gual (Karnitx)
Viceminister of Interior: Beorin

Hail Egypt!!
Hail C&C!!


- To iris_vk-sama, my sempai and new First Lady of Egypt for thar wonderful moments shared looking at the pyramids under the moonlight.

- To L’n’L and, specially to Ahileuss, for their help and assesorement.

- To all those catalans who had been working in ordert to make possible this project, like
Karnitx, foltof, alexbcn88, PandaWan, SunyerXCat, Comte de Reus and, specially, Naboal.

- To EI and FAEIRC for their help until my arrival to the game and their suport, specially to Fourfantastic.

Estimats conciutadans:

Jo, ita I la Conqueridora, habitant de la Comuna de la Valldigna, em presente front a vosaltres com la primera Faraona de la Generalitat catalana. En aquest punt culmina el nostre projecte de fer d’Egipte la casa de tots aquells catalans que ho desitgen. Projecte que tanmateix no hauria sigut possible sense l’ajuda de L’n’L, amb els que compartim aquest país formant l’aliança C&C (Croats & Catalans). Per això vull donar-los un agraïment especial per ajudar-nos a complir aquest somni.

Com bé sabeu la situació del nostre país és complicada, ja que ens hem vist afectats per una guerra entre potències mundials amb les que no tenim res a veure. Tot i així, el govern intentarà fer tot el que estiga en les seves mans, aprofitant aquesta situació per centrar-nos en el creixement intern del país.

També voldria anunciar al país els integrants del nou govern:

Faraona de la Generalitat: ita I la Conqueridora
Vicepresident: Ahileus

Ministre d’Economia: ebreake
Viceministre d’Economia: foltof

Ministre d’Afers Exteriors: Naboal
Viceministre d’Afers Exteriors: WichCro

Ministre de Defensa: FootballCasual
Viceministre de Defensa: alexbcn88

Ministre d‘Interior: Ali Gual (Karnitx)
Viceministre d’Interior:Beorin

Hail Egipte!!
Hail C&C!!

Agraïments especials:

- A iris_vk-sama, la meva sempai i nova Primera Dama d’Egipte per els meravellosos moments compartits veient les piràmides sota la llum de la lluna.

- A L’n’L i, especialment a Ahileuss, per la seva ajuda i assessorament.

- A tots aquells catalans que han estat treballant a la sombra per fer possible aquest projecte, com Karnitx, foltof, alexbcn88, PandaWan, SunyerXCat, Comte de Reus i, especialment, Naboal.

- A EI i a les FAEIRC pel seu acolliment en la meva arribada a aquest joc i el seu suport, especialment a Fourfantastic.

Dragi građani,

ita I la Conqueridora, iz Comuna de la Valldigna, predstavljam sebe kao prvog Faraona iz katalonskih redova. Ovo je kulminacija projekta kojim želimo napraviti Egipat domom za sve Katalonce koji nam se žele pridružiti. Projekt koji nebi bio moguć bez pomoći LnLa, koji su s nama integrirali C&C savez (Croats & Catalans). Zato im želim dati posebnu zahvalu za pomoć u ostvarivanju našeg sna.

Kao đto znate, situacija u našoj zemlji je složena, uključeni smo u rat između svjetskih sila koji nema veze sa nama, i u skladu sa tim ova Vlada će pokušati sve što je u našim rukama kako bi omogućila našoj zemlji stabilan razvoj.

Želim objaviti novu Vladu:

Faraon: ita I la Conqueridora
podpredsjednik: Ahileus

Ministar ekonomije: ebreake
doministar ekonomije: foltof

Ministar vanjskih poslova: Naboal
doministar vanjskih poslova: WichCro

Ministar obrane: FootballCasual
doministar obrane: alexbcn88

Ministar unutarnjih poslova: Ali Gual (Karnitx)
doministar unutarnjih poslova: Beorin

Hail Egypt!!
Hail C&C!!


- iris_vk-sama, moj učitelj i nova Prva dami Egipta za predivne trenutke koje smo djelili gledajući piramide na mjesečini.

- LnLu, a posebno Ahileusu, za pomoć.

- Svim Kataloncima koji su omogućili da ovaj projekt uspije: Karnitx, foltof, alexbcn88, PandaWan, SunyerXCat, Comte de Reus i posebno Naboal.

- EI i FAEIRC za pomoć i podršku, posebno Fourfantastic.