
Day 3,065, 11:03 Published in USA Croatia by Sagittarius A Star


Hi, i took a look at these stupid maps, now i've come up with a plan.

We have 2 possible courses of action.


Current potus is Brit, we overthrow him, we install rainy and we strike hvrom masacxusetz


Plan B
Brits prevent us from overthrowing potus
We use the hvact that DoS (Dictator of Swinjac) has a crush on Radenko.

We manipulate DoS to attack Yorkshire.
After conquering Yorkshire, DoS attacks Masacxusetz.
We start bitching about national pride, DoS retreats from the battle.
we attack Yorkshire, DoS retreats.
We finish off these damn puritans.


Brits spam media.
They want to discuss forums, gay cockney songs and the fact it's raining a lot this April.
It's a sign that we're on the right track.
They nervous.
Brits come to Radenko on internet saying "We your hvriend old hvellow, we appreciate your work, you got a potential old chap".
Brits want Radenko relaxed.
Then they strike.
We must not relax.
When we crucified, then we relax.


Brits reproduce.
We don't reproduce.
We never get inside unless we're 100% sure it's britless.
But how can you be sure, there's no even such word as britless.
You ever heard ohv it?
You bet your cockney a$$ u didn't.
Nothing is britless man.
We remain pure and dedicated to this sacred goal we have.
When we die, then we reproduce.


They killed Amy.

I never wanted you to be my man, Brit.

Our motto will be
V Confront
VI Engage
VII Erase


Keep repeating this until you're debritishized.


p.s. My sister delivered a baby, her price just jumped to $12

Table of content

I ..... She crush
II .... Do not relax
III ... Do not reproduce
IV .... They killed Amy
V ..... Confront
VI .... Engage
VII ... Erase
VIII .. She deliver, stock market