Death... was only the beginning...

Day 1,507, 10:54 Published in Pakistan Turkey by kualkerr II. The Warrior Poet
Theme Music

For once you have tasted flight; you will walk the earth with your eyes turned skywards... for there you have been... and there you will long to return.
Leonardo da Vinci

I have had that flight. I have felt the charm of flapping my wings above a battle field. I have testified the thrill of stalking the pray. Endorsed the sensation of that leap of faith upon it. I have tasted the bitterness of the blood; have smelt its aroma in the sands of time! I have witnessed the glory of invincibility when the time stops by the swing of one's sword! I have walked that path, in search of salvation........ it never ended...!

I stalked, dived, hunted and flew away. Yet, the journey didn't end. And one day, the predator became the prey...! This is my story! And this is the story of each and every one of you out there reading this, be it friend & foe!

My brothers of sword & spear,

After my death, I have walked eWorld in search of salvation in past 7 days. I craved for death for so long. Because I was tired of this never ending test, this eternal journey sailing on the waves of blood. There could be no victory and I had lost meaning. When I died, I had two choices.

1. To bid this world goodbye and finally rest in eternal peace.
2. Testify words of Leonardo Di Vinci... and prepare for my flight.. again!

It was a dilemma. Hundreds of emotional cries pulling me back... yet a few words of wisdom compelling me to let my battle-torn body be at peace.. at last!

I hated this world, yet, I was drawn to it. After many sleepless nights, I woke up this morning.. determined!! Put on my blood-strained gear, gripped my sword tightly before lifting it high above my head... n took my first step towards the very path I have hated so much in past years.

I was alone... Scared.. and lost....
Eyes closed and breaths unsteady... The world started blacking out, my breaths ran out... I saw myself falling... but suddenly! an invisible hand came out of darkness n griped my wrist tightly.. and pulled me up!

That someone was av khan. The commander of the Special service Group which i created from my own hands many years ago. I stood up straight, saluted the great white flag of SSG... n then i was alive...

So here I am my friends. Not as the ferocious beast, but only a few hours old baby. Some people are amazed...they wonder how will I cope with being 'a noob' again. How can the mighty kualkerr start over as a baby!?

Well, my friends, I have done everything I could on the battlefield. I enjoyed the game to the fullest. I have had 'my flight'. I dont crave for any more of it. I dont crave for the super strength which kept me away from my beloved homeland for an year.. just for me to get that pathetic 0.5 extra strength of NE bonus! I don't want those shiny medals to procure the bragging rights while the same money can fill many hungry mouths in my rl country. I don't need the people who called me friend cuz they had to unleash me in the battles.

Now i dont have the strength or the medals or the will to fight again. Yet, my true friends welcomed me today.. and that is why, I m back!

The reception I got today was... Overwhelming!
Hundred of heart warming welcome messages and friend requests in my inbox.. The joy of people to see me. The love and honor i felt in past 2 hours is the most sensational thing ever happened to me. And TODAY, I realised why we all still play this st*pid ****ing game! Its not because of money or power or some stupid victories. It is because the love and gratitude we share for each other is simply too f***ing strong for us to leave! The game is just a mean to express our concern, our bond.. with each other! I am proud to have lived by each and every one of you admirable people! Specially the friends who honoured me with their heart warming farewells after at my death. And their electrifying welcome on my return today! I love you all! YOU are the reason I am back!

As for admin, hello boys! 😉 I am back to haunt you once again! By killing me, you have unleashed me! I still can do what i did 😉 but there is no fear of death anymore. Before my time is done, i will make sure you wigs know wat a terrible mistake you have made. Its my word to you! And you do know i mean it! 😉 (already feeling those chills up your spines? 😉

This is kualkerr!