Dear White American Liberal Guilt

Day 1,701, 05:42 Published in USA USA by Emerick

Guess what, about 50 of you out there: we didn't attack Canada, they attacked us first. It's called defending yourself. But somehow, good old White American Guilt creeps in, and people, somehow, think that this is somehow our fault.

Here's a secret: it's actually Code-y's fault

But good old White American Guilt believes that the world and it's problems all revolve around America, like somehow, the Holocaust was America's fault. Yes, I've actually heard that argument before. And no, it wasn't. It was Hitler's. Just like this is Code-y's.

"But oh no, they have every right to be pissed off"

No they don't stop being a pussy.

Just because we didn't let them get the 5th seat in an alliance that ended up not going through anyways is not a legitimate reason to attack your ally. We are not traitors, we never were, and if you think we did anything wrong, you're a pansy.

White American Guilt.

The Canadians were never slaves, to us. Don't feel guilty.

The Canadians are not without blame here. Don't feel guilty.

The Canadians are not perfect or upright beings. Don't feel guilty.

The Canadians smell like the inside of a boot. Don't feel guilty.

The Canadians are less intelligent than we are. But don't feel guilty, for it is righteous and good that we destroy them.

It is Dio's calling.

So stop being a self-loathing white liberal and grow a backbone.

Thank you.