Dear members of Polish congress

Day 2,041, 06:53 Published in Croatia Croatia by Arrlo

It's a simple message today: I would like Polish citizenship.

In my almost 4 years of playing eRepublik, I have always been on the side fighting against Poland. When I was in eUK, we were Phoenix you were EDEN. When eUK derped around between false neutrality and Terra membership before selling their old friends out and finally settling on a foreign policy of kissing your butt, I left, and I've basically been eCroat ever since. I enjoy having friends from every country, but this state of constantly being on the opposing side has meant that I haven't really had the chance to meet many Polish players.

While I've been in Croatia there hasn't been any bad blood between our two countries, and we haven't been required to fight against Poland for quite a long time.

I won't vote, I won't join a party, I won't candidate, I won't use any of my companies, but I would like to join a MU, as IMO that's where the best camaraderie is.

I celebrate my real life birthday tomorrow (June 23rd) in the game by passing 50,000 strength. It would make my day if you could add to it, so slap a bow on citizenship and I can party.