Dear Ireland,

Day 1,167, 06:29 Published in Ireland Ireland by CelticTiger211
Looks like Maddog’s impeachment failed…

Meaning I can’t be impeached for the remainder of my term…

So I could do anything I liked…

Without any repercussions…

Too bad I’m a pretty nice guy then.

You‘ll all regard this term as unsuccessful and maybe frail, mainly out of a hatred or distrust for myself. Let‘s recap on what‘s been done so far.

The Army

The Army is still a work in progress but know that everything required to establish a strong infrastructure has been bought this term. The Army is a HUGE breakthrough for this country, please try to see that.
We have an administrative roster made up of old IDF & ICA officers. We have consistency in supply and more importantly a universal unity. I urge whoever comes into office next term to stay clear of the Army. Consult with her staff, show them respect and you will given loyalty.

What is your profession?

All soldiers of the Irish Army show respect and loyalty to Ireland. They respect what our country stands for, our freedom and the defence of our allies.
Accountability goes both ways and in return for this loyalty the representatives of Dail Eireann and the Irish Government must respect the military. They must respect her dedication, her discipline and her unity. They must acknowledge that without military power, their political power is frail. They must acknowledge the willingness the army has for co-operation but also acknowledge their own role as leaders.
There can be no divide on the respect that each shows to the other, nor the positions they carry.

The Army is still making quick adaptations, soon the resources officers will divide their inventory of companies up to allow a greater haste in stocking supply orgs. Mistakes are fixed!
Furthermore divisions based on a soldier’s commitment to the army will be organised some time in the near future.
Ladies & gentlemen we have something fantastic here, a valuable tool to the country PLEASE do not push it away, embrace it, protect it & it in turn will protect you.

I would like to thank everybody who donated to the military & who worked tirelessly on its foundation.


Canada now resides in Shannon completing the shelter of Cork & Kerry. The rent they will begin to pay in March, along with the 50g the United States pay us (for the South East) will mean every newly elected Irish Government will have a sexy 90g to spend.
National security has been strengthened, relations with Canada are as tight as ever & the World Map looks pretty kewl!

New Welcoming Message

It should do some good for retention, it’s professional & convenient. It can be simply altered by any President to make the changes required. If there are ever any problems or if you need a new graphic made then just throw me a PM.


You came back during my term ;_;
The average IQ of the country has collapsed because of the ninja gonzo script ;_;
Every time I own you in an argument you’re too dumb to realise that I win & I get zero satisfaction ;_;
I offered you 10g to leave but you stayed ;_;


Still a week left on my term, if I was Patton I’d be your God right now but I’m CT so I’m your Satan.
*Puts on devil horns and snarls*
I’ve done the three big things I promised to do.
I’ve also had some fun along the way:
- The New Welcoming Message which owned Dylan was hilarious
- Surviving a hat trick of impeachments was entertaining
- Having a larf in the EDEN channels was a grand bit of banter:

[19:40] Sirbeg,
[19:40] sorry
[19:40] but I'm sick of EDEN
[19:40] what is that?
[19:41] so you are leaving EDEN?
[19:41] wtf?
[19:41] 😛
[19:41] joke
[19:41] we're getting them into Shannon
[19:41] EDEN
[19:41] 🙂
[19:41] lol
[19:41] almost had a stroke
[19:41] +1
[19:42] lol
[19:42] lol
[19:42] lol

Gonna take a break from the game after my term. A combination of what happened during the elections, the hassle of being a CP, the stress of internet arguing and eRepublik itself becoming less fun have called on a break. I‘ll two click for a while maybe, one does not simply leave eRepublik. I have no more gold to donate to the people I like & I‘m not going to write a second article of goodbyes on the 5th (I felt like a girl the last time I did that) just remember one thing

Your friendly neighbourhood Spiderman

Only 7 more days ;_;
Also Army people Neznainiqotkrainiq made us a savage new uniform, get in gear lads!
Uniform A:
Uniform B: