Dear eAmerica

Day 2,146, 00:13 Published in USA USA by Melissa Rose

I started writing an article about a week ago, but couldn't finish it. I had a sort of mental block that I just couldn't get past. Partly because there were so many well worded endorsement articles out there, but mostly because I didn't truly believe in what I was writing.

As most of you know from my previous articles, in order for me to write something I have to believe it, I have to feel it and it has to be personal for me.

Over the last week I have watched article after article come out about Josh Frost. I've read all of them and considered everything that was said. In all honesty I wasn't sure I believed any of them. I read Josh Frost’s own articles with skepticism. I didn't believe that he would be able to accomplish his goals or that he even believed them himself. (I am sure there are some of you that would have agreed with me) To me he was just another candidate blowing smoke and telling me what he thought would get my vote.

Today I went back and reread all of his articles to prep for eNPR and I really digested them. Even with that I still wasn't sure I believed. Then, after hearing him on eNPR, something changed. I started to believe. I could hear it in his voice. He actually believed in what he was saying. I felt more hope for our country after listening to him then I have felt since I came back to game.

I was inspired

I realize that some of you still won’t believe, no matter what I say or anyone else says, but I truly believe in him. More importantly I believe he can accomplish everything he has stated, but he can’t do it alone. He needs all of our help. We need to be willing to put aside our petty bickering and work together if we are going to help him accomplish his goals. That doesn’t mean we should be sheep and just do what he asks without question, but we need to be open minded to his ideas and be prepared to make the sacrifices needed.

All of this Party fighting and competition only accomplishes one thing, it hurts us. It keeps us vulnerable. I challenge each and every one of you to put aside your spite and your bickering and attempt to actually work to improve the Country instead of your own Party.

I don’t think that is asking too much, do you?

"I would rather rot in hell for all of eternity for standing by my principles, than get into heaven by leaving those principles behind"

Dear eAmerica