Dear Circle of Trust Supreme Commanders and alliance members...

Day 1,879, 14:10 Published in Australia Australia by Sir_c0nstant

A member state needs the approval of the MC in order to initiate a long term military operation by its own will. In this case it is recommended that the MC coordinates his decision to approve the operation with the Supreme Command and/or his Assistants.

Now we know the present supreme commanders of CoT knew about the eChile- eAustralia agreement and the clauses because eChile told them as per the charter.

A member state needs to inform the Supreme Command for all contracts it intends to sign in its relations towards non-member states. In case these non-member states have common border with a member state the Supreme Command should act as a mediator between these member states involved to avoid potential conflicts.

The eChile agreement states it clearly what is proposed

2. eAustralia will move towards a Pro-CoT MPP stack or full CoT membership with increased CoT allies and MPPs;

So the questions are..

has eIndonesia not informed the CoT of its proposed action...
did they tell CoT of this proposed action and CoT agree...
did they tell CoT of this proposed action and CoT disagreed and they did it anyway...
Are eIndonesia trying to break up CoT?

We are now in the position of a member state of CoT deliberately attacking a state wishing to become a member of CoT, a state which already has mpp's with member states of CoT.
So in effect eIndonesia is setting state against state within CoT........

After all .......
The aim of the alliance is to defend the principles enlisted in this Charter preamble, to promote peace among its member states, and to help these states reach and maintain the optimal shape of their economy and the economy of the alliance as a whole.

Dear CoT members,
what is your response to this betrayal of trust?

