Dean Glennon's presentation ! For a better eIreland vote against the PTO

Day 1,251, 03:57 Published in Ireland Ireland by D-Glennon

Good morning citizens of eIreland !

many of you may not know me , my name is Dean Glennon and im a member of Eire Aonair who are currently being oppressed by the PTOers the BHC . I have played this game in V1 for a while but then left and came back 57 days ago . Since then I have been active every day and have contributed bit by bit . Mainly my contributions have been small and have been restricted to just the party forum and to my odd article in the news paper . Some of you may know I have started collecting market information to help aspiring company owners and reaching as far as helping the government . I have released little bits of my information but there is a lot I haven't released yet ( due to me having exams soon )

Why am I running ?

I am running to block PTOers in this election for the Irish Independent party , Personally I think there is a lot of people better for this position in the government than myself and I urge you to carefully think of who you are going to vote for . Some people have a lot to offer and can help with there experience and intellect . DO NOT ! vote for any PTO member regardless of what they may promise you or offer you . Abit of gold or iep can help you but would you not prefer getting told a way to constantly have an income of the same amount ? There are many people you can ask for that and many people willing to pass on there knowledge , just ask .

What Needs to be done !

There needs to be a reform economically ! It is essential to our success and longevity in this game that we have a secure economic structure . Taxs need to be revised and more efficient ways of running the country need to be introduced ! The latest update that we are awaiting to hit our shores has the possibility to cripple us and we will be playing catch up on the rest of the eWorld . This can be planed for and prevented ! I urge any citizen in government or not to help this fine nation to become what it has always had the potential to be ! any idea no matter how insignificant you may think it is might better us and you should speak up , voice your opinion ! There are many 2 clickers in our society who are overlooked . I share the views that Bhane does in we need to help them more although I think the best way is to try get them working in the community and have them voice out more . It is doable and should be looked at by who ever gets into congress .

What have I done ?

I havent done much substantial things in the eWorld that would set me apart from the average joe soap , although this does let me see the world through there perspective and it shows how they are not intertwined enough within society to create a immovable structure which we can call home . I joined the IA for a small stint until recently when I left to work in some BHC companies in the fight to de stable them economically . Some of you may know me from my market information that I talked about before but I do have a plan I have yet to fully announce apon the public as I am still working out how best to do it .

I am not the one looking for your vote , Its Ireland who needs your vote . Vote smart and do your research into who you think will be best for this country . There are a wide variety of exceptional candidates running who deserve your vote .

Thanks for your time I know it was long winded .
Happy Easter

Watch this video it shows what Eire Aonair is all about